Basic etiquettes to impress teachers or professor

Just like you would engage in certain activities to obtain a promotion or impress your boss or superior, your professor needs to be impressed as well. Professors/Teachers are human beings with their own issues and concerns. They also have good and bad days. While most attempt to be positive, this can become difficult on tough days when no one seems to be listening or caring about what they are learning. When a student comes into class with a great attitude and a winning personality, it can make a huge difference. Below are some of the best ways to impress your Professor/teacher. So pick the tips that work for you and start implementing. PAY ATTENTION if your teacher/professor asks you to bring in a specific book to class, bring it. Write reminders if you have to, but come prepared. Turn in your assignments on time, and be prepared for tests. Take a few minutes each evening to study what you have learned in class. Show that you care and are very attentive in th...