Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Starting College
College Life! It sound's great, but also a terrifying one. After months of endless applications, emotional acceptances and rejections, and difficult decisions, you’re finally ready to pack your bags and go. Are you? As your joining date draws closer, you’re probably suffering from some serious pre-college anxiety. You’ll have to make new friends, adjust to new academic expectations and learn how to live away from home. Beginning the journey towards adventures never seems to come without fear. The risk of trying to be successful at something new mingles with the pressure to do well, fit in, and feel comfortable. None of us knows exactly where we’re going. We use models, best practices, and advice to hopefully steer ourselves in the right direction, and we make lots of educated guesses. Still, we’re never certain. You’re nervous! Don't worry we’ve compiled a list of some true ways to calm down and get excited about the next four years of your life.
At the university level, classes are naturally going to be more challenging compared to high school. Students who were mindful of learning in high school are already most likely ready to take on college classes. Be sure to take the initiative to succeed! Stay organized, study, turn assignments in on time, focus, and open your mind to a new way of learning. And try to, build a professional relationship with your professor, let them know when you are struggling, ask them questions, find out how you can improve, and be open with them.
Fear To Interact With Professors
At this level, professors are very different from the teachers in high school. Students and professors should have a mutual respect for one another. Students who show interest to learn, take class seriously, and attempt to succeed are already showing respect to the professor through their actions. These habits help lead the student to do well in class.
The fear of a roommate is an irrational fear that freshers face. Let’s be clear it is not irrational because it is impossible to get paired with a bad roommate it’s irrational because, often, students will not know what their roommate is like until they spend a few weeks together! Although it is highly possible to end up with a bad, messy, loud, or rude roommate, worrying over it will not change it!
Making Friends
Students out on their own for the first time are liable to feel lonely during the first few weeks in a new place but don’t give up! Once you get settled in and begin to recognize a few friendly faces, you will start to feel more comfortable.
Home Sick
Feeling homesick is inevitable. Most students will miss their hometown, their family and friends, and their old life. When facing this difficulty, remember this in order for a plant to grow, one must trim it. Cutting off older stems and forging new roots allows for growth. Sweet little hometown will always be there during break!
Students who are out on their own for the first time will likely face financial challenges. Now is the time to learn budgeting!
Learning New Responsibilities
Cooking, cleaning, and shopping oh my god! Cooking is easier than it sounds. students who can boil water are able to make a number of meals. However, when it comes to food safety, there are several factors to consider.
Getting Lost On Campus
College campus maps are an asset new students should utilise. If that fails, don’t be afraid to ask students, professors, or security how to get to a particular class or building on campus.
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