How Does Blood Transfusion Change Your Body & DNA?
It can be an icky thought to imagine some one else’s blood flowing through your own veins. Blood is one of the bodily fluids through which all sorts of diseases can be transmitted. And adding to the weird factor,blood carries a persons DNA.
But when it’s the matter of life and death, another person’s blood could be the only option. Transfusions are a common procedure. The process of blood transfusions can be due to injuries or surgeries that causes blood loss, bleeding disorders like haemophilia in which the blood does not clot properly, Infections that inhibit the body’s ability to make blood, and other illnesses like anemia, cancer and auto immune disorders.
Although scientist in Singapore have recently found a way to turn skin cells into blood cells in rats, that method has yet to be tested on humans. With the exception of some people who can donate blood ahead of an elective surgery to then be transfused back into their bodies afterward, the blood will come from a kind hearted donor. The good news is that there will be no change and you will continue being yourself after receiving donor blood.

When the donor blood is mixed into the body with a transfusion that persons DNA will be present in your body for some days, but its presence is unlikely to alter genetic tests significantally Read more...
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