5 Things College Freshmen Can Learn From Upperclassmen

Incoming freshmen may face many unexpected challenges as well as new opportunities. Students should be aware of those uncertainties and should be prepared themselves to handle school successfully. The best tips that freshmen should learn from the upperclassmen are


1: Actually Do Your Homework

Homework was a dreaded task to come home to each day. In college its pretty much the same thing but this time it actually matters. High school homework is your teachers way of making sure that you are following along with what happens in the class and its easy participation credit. The thing that any upperclassman will tell freshmen about college is that your homework is surprisingly useful learning tools. Home work wil keep the freshmen from falling behind, tutor you for the final and is the most important thing to help succeed as an underclassman.


2: Connect With Your Professors

Building relationships with the professors can bring many benefits as freshmen. Professors will be able to offer additional help when needed. You will also learn first-hand of any events and organizations available on campus and off campus that might interest you. Many professors serve as chairs and advisors for clubs, groups and associations that freshmen can join to network with faculty members and other students. They also will need recommendation letters from professors when applying for scholarships, jobs, and even graduate school.


3: Get Educated On Financial Aid

You may want to push off the responsibilities of financial aid to your parents, but upperclassmen highly recommend getting educated on it yourself. First you will have to actually apply for aid which can be done through a private loan company. Once you receive the aid award  Read more...


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