How to develop long lasting Friendship in College
The friends that students make in college are completely different from any other friends you will make in your entire life. Unlike your high school friends, you actually chose these bonds based on the common interests. Since many students who are in college may not have family or friends from high school nearby they are looking for other people to study with and hang out. Friends from college are totally different than the friends from high school because bonding is totally different in college compared to high school. In college bonding increases of late night study sessions, having dinner together, or during long drives back home. These college friends are very special and are like family away from home. During college there are many ways to develop these friendships, which have the potential of becoming lifelong friendships.
1: Roommates
Many students make lifelong friendship with the roommates. If students have a good experience with the roommate during the first year of college; you will continue to live with the same room mate until completing the college. Sharing a house or apartment’s allows the students to spend time with people and really get to know who they are. Living together also provides opportunities for a lot of inside jokes which can create even stronger bonds.
2:Join clubs & Organization
By joining a social club students will be able to find people who share similar interests. Almost all college campuses have clubs like that are associated with academic majors, public interests,politics,music, or careers. These clubs provide opportunity to meet people outside of the classroom and the opportunity to get involved with something that you are passionate about. Read more
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